Parents as Teachers
Parents as Teachers (PAT) aims to increase parent knowledge of early childhood development; improve positive parenting practices; provide early detection of developmental delays and connection to services; improve parent, child, and family health and well-being; increase children’s school readiness and school success; prevent child abuse and neglect; improve family economic well-being; and strengthen community capacity and connectedness. The four components of the model (home visits, group connections, child screenings, and resource network) all focus on parent-child interaction, development-centered parenting, and family well-being.
What is the model’s approach to providing home visiting services?
Home visits take place based on each family’s experiences and stressors. Families with one or fewer designated experiences and/or stressors should receive at least 12 visits each year. Those with two or more designated experiences and/or stressors should receive at least 24 visits each year. Programs are designed to deliver services for at least 2 years. Families may enroll at any time prenatally through kindergarten.
PAT serves all families with young children. All age-eligible children in the family are expected to receive PAT services. Some local programs have specific eligibility requirements.
Who is implementing the model?
Home Visitors
PAT was implemented by 4,110 home visitors in 2023. Most home visitors (70 percent) have a bachelor’s degree or higher. The model requires a high school diploma or GED plus 2 years of experience working with young children and/or parents for home visitors. On average, full-time home visitors have a caseload of 18 families.
PAT was implemented by 996.3 full-time equivalent supervisors in 2023. The model recommends a bachelor’s or master’s degree and 5 years of experience working with young children and families for supervisors.
Where is the model implemented?
PAT operated in 893 local agencies across 49 states and the District of Columbia in 2023. PAT also operated outside the United States and its territories in Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom in 2023.
Families Served Through Evidence-Based Home Visiting in 2023
5% American Indian Alaska Native
3% Asian
17% Black
<1% Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander
60% White
9% Multiple
6% Another race
36% Hispanic or Latino
64% Not Hispanic or Latino
Caregiver education
19% No HS diploma
81% HS diploma or higher
Caregiver age
11% ≤21 years
Household income
66% Low-income status
Child insurance status
2% None
Child age
20% <1 year
44% 1-2 years
36% 3-5 years
Languages spoken at home
70% English
25% Spanish
6% Another language