Multiracial family snuggles with their newborn while sitting on the couch

Model Profiles

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2023 Yearbook

Maternal Infant Health Outreach Worker Program

MIHOW’s primary goal is to improve maternal and child health outcomes through a strength-based approach to home visiting. MIHOW trains peer mentors to support women during pregnancy to become physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy for their baby’s arrival. Once the baby is born, MIHOW focuses on promoting positive parent-child interactions and establishing a safe, stable, nurturing environment. See for details.

What is the model’s approach to providing home visiting services?

Home visits take place once per month. Services are provided until the child is 3 years old. MIHOW requires at least 80 percent of families served to initiate services prenatally.

MIHOW’s target population includes the following:

  • Expectant mothers
  • First-time mothers or first-time parents
  • Teenage mothers or teenage parents
  • Unmarried mothers or single parents
  • Parents/caregivers with limited education
  • Low-income families
  • Parents/caregivers experiencing physical/social isolation or limited support system
  • Families experiencing language barriers

Who is implementing the model?

Home Visitors

MIHOW was implemented by 22 full-time equivalent home visitors in 2018. The model recommends a high school diploma or GED and experience in the community for home visitors. The maximum caseload requirement for home visitors is 40 families.


MIHOW was implemented by seven supervisors in 2018. The model recommends a bachelor’s degree for supervisors.

Where is the model implemented?

MIHOW operated in four states in 2018.

Families Served Through Home Visiting in 2018

home visits provided
families served
children served

Caregiver age

29% ≤ 21 years

43% 22-29 years

27% 30-44 years

<1% ≥ 45 years

Caregiver education

32% No HS diploma

40% HS diploma or GED

20% Some college or training

8% Bachelor's degree or higher


14% Hispanic or Latino

86% Not Hispanic or Latino

Household income

80% Low-income status

20% Not low-income status

Child age

30% < 1 year

53% 1-2 years

17% 3-5 years

Child insurance status

88% Public

11% Private

1% None

Primary language

93% English

4% Spanish

4% Other

Note • Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding. • To protect confidentiality, race and ethnicity categories with 10 or fewer participants were replaced with *.