State & Tribal Landscape
States, territories, and tribal organizations implement home visiting models that match the needs of their communities using varied funding streams, including the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV). Maternal and child health indicators provide insight into states’ varied contexts, which drive their decisions and priorities.
For example, 6 percent of women had no or delayed prenatal care nationally, but the state average ranges from 2 percent in Rhode Island and Vermont to 11 percent in New Mexico.
The number of potential beneficiaries in each state relates to its population size, ranging from 29,200 potential beneficiaries in Vermont to 2,203,600 in California. However, size does not necessarily relate to the percentage of beneficiaries who meet 1 or more targeting criteria (have an infant, low income, single parent, parent or expectant parent under 21, or parent with less than a high school diploma). The percentage of high-priority families meeting any 1 of 5 targeting criteria ranges from 41 percent in Utah to 60 percent in New Mexico.
Select a state in the interactive map below to see a brief data snapshot or click the orange button to view the information in a table.
Home Visiting by State (2018)
Potential Beneficiaries | |
Families Meeting 1 or More Criteria (%) | |
Families Meeting 2 or More Criteria (%) | |
Home Visits Provided | |
Children Served | |
Families Served | |
Local Agencies | |
Models Implemented |
State | Potential Beneficiaries | Families Meeting 1 or More Criteria (%) | Families Meeting 2 or More Criteria (%) | Home Visits Provided | Children Served | Families Served | Local Agencies | Models Implemented |
Sources: Service numbers and participant demographics come from evidence-based model data for 2018 as detailed in each profile. Information on potential beneficiaries is derived from the [2013–2017 American Community Survey](https://usa.ipums.org/usa/index.shtml), and includes pregnant women and families with children not yet in kindergarten.
Note: NA = not available.
*Percentages of high-priority families are estimates of potential beneficiaries who meet any one of five targeting criteria: (1) having an infant, (2) income below the federal poverty threshold, (3) pregnant women and mothers under 21, (4) single/never married mothers or pregnant women, or (5) parents without a high school education.
States serve as many potential beneficiaries as possible. There are many reasons why they cannot reach all families who could benefit. States have limited funding and often must piece together federal, state, and private dollars to serve families. Geographic challenges can also prevent states from reaching more families. For example, in rural areas, home visitors may travel hours to see one family, which limits the number of families that can be served overall.
States work hard to overcome these barriers. In 2018, the number of families served by states ranged from 50 to 16,051. Some states have an expansive network of local agencies implementing evidence-based home visiting. For example, California has 217 local agencies implementing 9 models across the state, serving 15,406 families.
Where Can I Learn More About States, Territories, and Tribal Organizations?
State profiles provide state-level information, including families served and potential beneficiaries, from evidence-based models. The tribal profile presents aggregate information about home visiting services provided by tribal-led organizations as shared by five evidence-based models. Learn more.
Model profiles describe evidence-based and emerging home visiting models, including states delivering the models and families served. Learn more.
MIECHV state data tables provide state-level information on families served specifically by MIECHV-funded programs. Learn more.