Multiracial family snuggles with their newborn while sitting on the couch

Model Profiles

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2024 Yearbook


Baby TALK (Teaching Activities for Learning and Knowledge) is a family support model that provides a framework for community-based systems building and interventions. Baby TALK strives to positively impact child development and nurture healthy parent-child relationships during the critical early years. Home visitors build strong relationships with participants and create support systems to promote healthy attachment, encourage parental feelings of competence, reduce parental stress, promote child development, promote protective factors and resilience, and support positive family and child outcomes. See for details.

What is the model’s approach to providing home visiting services?

Home visits take place at least twice per month. Families with multiple risk factors may receive weekly visits. Services are provided prenatally until the child is 5 years old. Baby TALK recommends families initiate services prenatally, though families may enroll at any age prior to 5 years old.

Baby TALK serves all families with young children. Program funding sources may define a specific target population.

Who is implementing the model?

Home Visitors

Baby TALK was implemented by 304 home visitors in 2018. The model requires a bachelor’s degree and Baby TALK certification for home visitors. The maximum caseload requirement for home visitors is 24 families, but caseloads may vary depending on families’ needs.


Baby TALK was implemented by 67 supervisors in 2018. The model requires a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and 5 years of experience working with young children and families for supervisors.

Where is the model implemented?

Baby TALK operated across three states in 2018.

Families Served Through Home Visiting in 2018

home visits provided
families served
children served

Caregiver age

14% ≤ 21 years

59% 22-29 years

26% 30-44 years

<1% ≥ 45 years

Caregiver education

25% No HS diploma

55% HS diploma or GED

15% Some college or training

5% Bachelor's degree or higher


30% Hispanic or Latino

70% Not Hispanic or Latino

Household income

95% Low-income status

5% Not low-income status

Child age

48% < 1 year

47% 1-2 years

5% 3-5 years

Child insurance status

93% Public

5% Private

2% None

Primary language

60% English

34% Spanish

6% Other

Note • Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding. • To protect confidentiality, race and ethnicity categories with 10 or fewer participants were replaced with *.