Who Is Being Served?

By Emerging Models

Home visiting programs receive local, private, state, and federal funding to support services delivered through emerging models. The information below quantifies and describes families served through emerging home visiting models in 2023, regardless of how the services were funded.

These data are separate from those included in the National Profile (which focuses on families served through evidence-based models). Eleven emerging models provided data about the families they serve. (Source: Emerging models represented in the data include Arizona Health Start Program, AVANCE Parent-Child Education Program (PCEP), Baby TALK, Early Steps to School Success (ESSS), First Born and More, Following Baby Back Home (FBBH), High Risk Perinatal Program (HRPP), Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP), ParentChild+, Team for Infants Exposed to Substance use (TIES) Program, and Welcome Baby. See the [methodology section](https://nhvrc.org/yearbook/2021-yearbook/methodology/) of the 2021 Home Visiting Yearbook, which includes the most recent description of how emerging models are selected, for more information. )Go to footnote #>1

According to the data received—

home visits were provided (including virtual visits)
families received home visiting
children received home visiting

Of the more than 489,000 home visits provided, at least—


were virtual visits

Families Served by Emerging Home Visiting Models: Child Characteristics



<1 year 57
1–2 years 34
3–5 years 9
Health insurance status


Public 78
Private 21
None 2
Primary language


English 67
Spanish 26
Another language 7

Source: Data provided by emerging models. See the [methodology section](https://nhvrc.org/yearbook/2024-yearbook/methodology/) for more detail by variable.

Examples of “Another language” include Amharic, Arabic, Cambodian, Cantonese, Farsi, French, Hindi, Japanese, Khmer, Mala, Mandarin, Marshallese, Navajo, Somali, Swahili, Tagalog, and Urdu.

Families Served by Emerging Home Visiting Models: Family Characteristics

Caregiver age Percentage
≤21 years 7
22–29 years 35
30–44 years 55
≥45 years 2
Race Percentage
American Indian Alaska Native 3
Asian 5
Black 13
Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander <1
White 33
Multiple 3
Another race 43


Hispanic or Latino 54
Caregiver education


No high school diploma 21
High school diploma/GED 37
Some college/training 24
Bachelor’s degree or higher 18
Household income


Low income 85

Source: Data provided by emerging models. See the [methodology section](https://nhvrc.org/yearbook/2024-yearbook/methodology/) for more detail by variable.

Examples of “Another race” include Hispanic, Latino, and Middle Eastern or North African.