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State & Tribal Profiles

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2023 Yearbook

U.S. Virgin Islands

Models implemented in the U.S. Virgin Islands included Early Head Start Home-Based Option, Healthy Families America, and Nurse-Family Partnership. Across the territory, 3 local agencies operated at least one of these models.

home visits provided
including 425 virtual visits
families served
children served


18% Hispanic or Latino

Caregiver Education

13% No high school diploma

Child Age

33% <1 year

55% 1-2 years

12% 3-5 years

Child Insurance Status

65% Public

12% Private

23% None

Primary Language

91% English

4% Spanish

4% Another language

Potential Beneficiaries

Information on potential beneficiaries was not available for the U.S. Virgin Islands in 2021.

NHVRC State Profiles present data provided by evidence-based models, which include both MIECHV and non-MIECHV data. This State Profile includes participant data from the following evidence-based models: HFA and NFP. • Missing and unknown data were not included in calculations. • Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding. • To protect confidentiality, race and ethnicity categories with 10 or fewer participants were replaced with *. • Public insurance includes Medicaid, CHIP, and TRICARE. • HFA reported primary language of caregivers. Private insurance includes other forms of health insurance. • NFP reported primary language of caregivers.