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Model Profiles

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2024 Yearbook


ParentChild+, formerly called the Parent-Child Home Program, supports families with young children living in historically marginalized communities in accessing a path to possibility. ParentChild+ has an international network of program sites that work directly with families and family child care providers to ensure children achieve their greatest potential in school and life. Highly trained, community-based early learning specialists (ELSs) conduct visits with families and family child care providers to model reading, conversation, and play activities to support school readiness.

What is the model’s approach to providing home visiting services?

Home visits take place twice per week for a minimum of 46 weeks (92 visits total). ParentChild+ works with families when their children are between the ages of 16 months and 4 years old. Children typically enter the program at 2 years old and exit as they transition to pre-K or a Head Start center-based program.

ParentChild+’s service population includes the following:

  • Families with low incomes
  • Families experiencing language or literacy barriers
  • Families experiencing social isolation
  • Caregivers with limited access to education
  • Immigrant/refugee families
  • Families experiencing housing insecurity

Who is implementing the model?

Home Visitors

ParentChild+ was implemented by 575 community-based ELSs in 2021. The model requires ELSs to have educational, work, and/or life experience relevant to the work and their community; be fluent in their families’ home languages; share a cultural/community background with their families; and to have lived or worked in the communities they serve. The maximum caseload requirement for ELSs is 15 families.


ParentChild+ was implemented by 259 community-based site coordinators in 2021. The model recommends that community-based site coordinators have educational, work, and/or life experience relevant to the work and their community.

Where is the model implemented?

ParentChild+ operated in 148 local agencies across 16 states in 2021. ParentChild+ also operated outside the United States and its territories in Bermuda, Canada, Chile, Ireland,  Singapore, and the United Kingdom in 2021.


Families Served Through Home Visiting in 2021

home visits provided
including 310,303 virtual visits
families served
children served


40% Hispanic or Latino

60% Not Hispanic or Latino

Caregiver age

3% ≤21 years

31% 22-29 years

60% 30-44 years

5% ≥45 years

Caregiver education

31% No HS diploma

34% HS diploma or GED

22% Some college or training

14% Bachelor's degree or higher

Primary Language

41% English

35% Spanish

24% Another language

Household income

91% Low-income status

9% Not low-income status

Child age

2% <1 year

85% 1-2 years

14% 3-5 years

Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding. • ParentChild+ reached an additional 1,150 caregivers and families and completed an additional 7,200 home visits through its Family Child Care model.