Multiracial family snuggles with their newborn while sitting on the couch

Model Profiles

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2024 Yearbook

Nurse-Family Partnership

Nurse-Family Partnership seeks to improve participants’ lives in three key areas: pregnancy outcomes (by helping women improve prenatal health), child health and development (by helping parents provide sensitive and competent caregiving), and parents’ life trajectories (by helping them develop a vision for their future, plan subsequent pregnancies, continue their education, and find work). See for details.

What is the model’s approach to providing home visiting services?

Home visits take place based on a family’s level of need and a child’s age. Services are provided until the child’s second birthday. Nurse-Family Partnership requires families to initiate services prenatally by the 28th week of pregnancy.

Nurse-Family Partnership’s target population includes the following:

  • Expectant mothers
  • Low-income or low-resource families
  • First-time mothers

Who is implementing the model?

Home Visitors

Nurse-Family Partnership was implemented by 2,064 home visitors in 2018. The model requires a bachelor’s degree in nursing for home visitors. The minimum caseload requirement for home visitors is 25 families.


Nurse-Family Partnership was implemented by 319 supervisors in 2018. The model requires a bachelor’s degree in nursing for supervisors; a master’s degree in nursing is recommended.

Where is the model implemented?

Nurse-Family Partnership operated in 312 local agencies across 42 states and the Virgin Islands in 2018.

Families Served Through Evidence-Based Home Visiting in 2018

home visits provided
families served
children served

Caregiver age

50% ≤ 21 years

38% 22-29 years

12% 30-44 years

<1% ≥ 45 years

Caregiver education

47% No HS diploma

49% HS diploma or GED

3% Some college or training

1% Bachelor's degree or higher


34% Hispanic or Latino

Household income

43% Low-income status

Child age

43% < 1 year

34% 1-2 years

23% 3-5 years

Child insurance status

80% Public

5% Private

15% None

Primary Language

81% English

14% Spanish

5% Other

Note • Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding.