Baby TALK is a family engagement model built upon infant-mental health principles to provide a framework for intentional and individualized engagement with families. The Baby TALK mission is to positively impact child development and nurture healthy and responsive relationships during the early, critical years. Family engagement programs and professionals build strong relationships with families to come alongside them in support of healthy development, nurturing family-child relationships, and family well-being and growth.
What is the model’s approach to providing home visiting services?
Visits take place at least twice per month, and families may receive weekly visits when appropriate. Baby TALK recommends that families initiate services prenatally, though they may enroll at any point before the child turns 5 years old.
Baby TALK serves all families with young children. Program funding sources may define a specific service population.
Who is implementing the model?
Home Visitors
Baby TALK was implemented by 193 home visitors in 2023. The model strongly recommends a bachelor’s degree and requires Baby TALK certification for home visitors. Home visitors usually serve 12–24 families.
Baby TALK was implemented by 55 supervisors in 2023. The model requires a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and 5 years of experience working with young children and families for supervisors.
Where is the model implemented?
Baby TALK operated in 78 local agencies across 11 states and the District of Columbia in 2023.
Families Served Through Home Visiting in 2023
1% American Indian Alaska Native
4% Asian
13% Black
* Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander
77% White
3% Multiple
2% Another race
19% Hispanic or Latino
81% Not Hispanic or Latino
Caregiver age
6% ≤21 years
34% 22-29 years
56% 30-44 years
4% ≥45 years
Caregiver education
16% No HS diploma
38% HS diploma or GED
26% Some college or training
20% Bachelor's degree or higher
Household income
75% Low-income status
25% Not low-income status
Primary language
84% English
14% Spanish
3% Another language
Child insurance status
73% Public
25% Private
2% None
Child age
36% <1 year
45% 1-2 years
18% 3-5 years