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MIECHV State Data Tables

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2023 Yearbook

Rhode Island

Evidence-based models implemented with MIECHV funds in Rhode Island included Healthy Families America, Nurse-Family Partnership, and Parents as Teachers. Statewide, MIECHV funded 70 full-time equivalent (FTE) home visitors and 22 FTE supervisors. FTE can include full-time and part-time staff.

home visits provided
families served
children served

Caregiver Age

18% ≤21 years

41% 22–29 years

39% 30–44 years

1% ≥45 years

Child Age

38% <1 year

43% 1-2 years

19% 3-6 years

Primary Language

68% English

28% Spanish

4% Other

Child Insurance Status

88% Public

10% Private

2% None

Caregiver Ethnicity

48% Hispanic or Latino

Household Income

74% Low income

Caregiver Race

2% American Indian/Alaska Native

2% Asian

25% Black

* Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

54% White

17% Multiple

Caregiver Education

32% No high school diploma

37% High school diploma

23% Some college/training

8% Bachelor’s degree or higher

States provided data from their 2018 MIECHV federal report. Data represent families served through MIECHV-funded programs in fiscal year 2018. MIECHV State Data Tables include MIECHV data only. Numbers may vary from those in NHVRC State Profiles, which may include both MIECHV and non-MIECHV data provided by evidence-based models. • Caregivers and children with missing data have been excluded from the calculations. • Public insurance includes Medicaid, CHIP, and TRICARE. • Caregivers include pregnant women, female caregivers, and male caregivers. • Low income is defined as family income at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. • Counts of FTE home visitor and supervisor positions were rounded to the nearest whole number. • To protect confidentiality, race and ethnicity categories with 10 or fewer participants were replaced with *. • Percentages may not add up to 100.