Woman in gray shirt cradles her pregnant belly as she looks off to the side

Maternal & Child Health Data

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2024 Yearbook

Tobacco During Pregnancy, 2017

Definition: Used tobacco during pregnancy gives the percentage of mothers who used tobacco during pregnancy in 2017. All reporting areas, except California, routinely collect information on maternal tobacco use, but the information collected with the 2003 revision of the birth certificate is not comparable to the information collected with earlier versions of the birth certificate. Thus, maternal tobacco use data are recoded based on the birth certificate version used by the mother’s place of residence in the year of birth. These percentages exclude births where tobacco use is categorized as “not stated” or “not reported” from the total number of births (i.e. the denominator).

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Vital Statistics. (2017). Natality public-use data 2007-2017 [CDC WONDER Online Database, February 2018]. Retrieved from https://wonder.cdc.gov