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State & Tribal Profiles

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2024 Yearbook


Models implemented in Alaska included Early Head Start Home-Based Option, Nurse-Family Partnership, and Parents as Teachers. Statewide, 14 local agencies operated at least one of these models.

home visits provided
families served
children served


11% Hispanic or Latino

Caregiver Education

25% No high school diploma

Child Age

33% <1 year

58% 1-2 years

9% 3-5 years

Child Insurance Status

73% Public

10% Private

16% None

Primary Language

82% English

5% Spanish

13% Another language

Potential Beneficiaries

In Alaska, there were 48,200 pregnant women and families with children under 6 years old not yet in kindergarten who could benefit from home visiting. These families included 63,100 children.

63,100 children could benefit from home visiting

Of the 63,100 children who could benefit —

48,200 families could benefit from home visiting

Many home visiting services are geared toward particular subpopulations. The NHVRC estimated the percentage of families who could benefit in Alaska who met the following targeting criteria:

  • Child <1 22%
  • Single mother 20%
  • Parent with no high school diploma 4%
  • Pregnant woman or mother <21 4%
  • Low income 20%

Of the 48,200 families who could benefit —

47% of families met one or more priority criteria

17% of families met two or more priority criteria

NHVRC State Profiles present data provided by evidence-based models, which include both MIECHV and non-MIECHV data. • Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding. • Public insurance includes Medicaid, CHIP, and TRICARE. • Low income is defined as family income below the federal poverty threshold. • Single mothers include single, never married mothers or pregnant women. • EHS data may be underreported. Data include EHS programs providing home-based services only. EHS race, ethnicity, and primary language data include children and pregnant caregivers. EHS does not report home visits or families served. The number of children served was included as a proxy for families served. • PAT data for child insurance status and primary language are not included.