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2023 Yearbook

Team for Infants Exposed to Substance use Program

The Team for Infants Exposed to Substance use (TIES) Program is an intensive home-based partnership with pregnant and postpartum women and their families affected by maternal substance use. Social workers and parent educators work with families to create a jointly designed plan that builds on family strengths to promote overall physical, social, and emotional health. The TIES Program aims to reduce parental alcohol and other drug use; build parenting capacity to support child development; address health and behavioral health care needs of parents and children; and improve access to stable income and safe, affordable housing. Contact Oneta Templeton at for details.

What is the model’s approach to providing home visiting services?

Home visits take place once per week. Services are provided until the child turns 2 years old. The TIES Program enrolls families prenatally and up to 6 months postpartum. Mothers must be at least 18 years old and have parental or kinship custody to participate.

The TIES Program’s service population includes the following:

  • Families with a history of maternal substance use or in need of treatment
  • Children born with prenatal alcohol or other drug exposure

Who is implementing the model?

Home Visitors

The TIES Program was implemented by 7 full-time equivalent (FTE) home visitors in 2020. The model requires a master’s degree for family support specialists and a bachelor’s degree for parent resource specialists. The maximum caseload for family support specialists is 10 active families. Parent resource specialists may have no more than 15 active families on their caseloads.


The TIES Program was implemented by 1 FTE supervisor in 2020. The model requires a master’s degree in social work for supervisors.

Where is the model implemented?

The TIES Program operated in 1 local agency across 2 states in 2020.


Families Served Through Home Visiting in 2020

home visits provided
including 1,299 virtual visits
families served
children served

Caregiver age

3% ≤21 years

36% 22-29 years

61% 30-44 years

0% ≥45 years

Caregiver education

35% No HS diploma

26% HS diploma or GED

38% Some college or training

1% Bachelor's degree or higher

Primary language

97% English

3% Spanish

0% Another language

Child insurance status

89% Public

8% Private

3% None

Household income

100% Low-income status

0% Not low-income status

Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding. • The TIES Program served a total of 190 children in 2020. Data for 74 index children are described in the demographics.