Minding the Baby
Minding the Baby supports reflective parenting, secure attachment, maternal and child health, mental health, and self-efficacy using an interdisciplinary approach with first-time young mothers and their families. The model pairs a social worker and nurse practitioner to support a family’s development together.
What is the model’s approach to providing home visiting services?
Home visits take place weekly until the child turns 1 year old, then every other week until the child turns 2 years old. The frequency may vary based on a family’s level of need or in times of crisis. Services are provided for 27 months (prenatally until the child is 2 years old). Minding the Baby requires families to initiate services prenatally.
Minding the Baby’s target population includes the following:
- Expectant mothers
- Low-income families
- First-time mothers or first-time parents
- Teenage mothers or teenage parents
- Families with history of child abuse or neglect/involvement with child welfare system
Who is implementing the model?
Home Visitors
Minding the Baby was implemented by 6 home visitors in 2019. The model recommends a master’s degree for home visitors. The maximum caseload requirement for home visitors is 25 families.
Minding the Baby was implemented by 6 supervisors in 2019. The model requires a master’s degree for supervisors; a doctoral degree is recommended.
Where is the model implemented?
Minding the Baby operated in 3 local agencies across 1 state in 2019. Minding the Baby also operated outside the United States and its territories in Denmark in 2019.
Families Served Through Evidence-Based Home Visiting in 2019
Caregiver education
26% No HS diploma
43% HS diploma or GED
30% Some college or training
0% Bachelor's degree or higher
Caregiver age
50% ≤ 21 years
50% 22-29 years
0% 30-44 years
0% ≥ 45 years
Child age
50% < 1 year
50% 1-2 years
0% 3-5 years