What’s Inside?
The 2020 Home Visiting Yearbook includes data from organizations that implement home visiting models and from agencies in states, territories, and the District of Columbia (hereafter referred to as states) that have received funds through the federal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV).
Information on home visiting supported by Tribal MIECHV reflects data provided by the Administration for Children and Families. The 2020 Yearbook also draws on public data sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.
This year’s publication includes—
Aggregate service numbers and participant demographics from models’ own data (evidence-based models only)
State-specific information about home visiting services from evidence-based model data and potential beneficiaries from Census data
Aggregate service and demographic data for programs led by tribal organizations from six evidence-based models
State-specific information on MIECHV home visiting services from state MIECHV awardees, including a table containing aggregate data for Tribal MIECHV awardees
Partnering in a Pandemic

In early April, the Rapid Response-Virtual Home Visiting collaborative (RR-VHV) launched to help the home visiting field adapt to changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite going live in mere days, the collaborative is firmly rooted in three guiding principles: accessibility, a strengths base, and focus on shared responsibility.
“Our approach was never a one-sided, ‘Here’s what you need to know,’” says Steering Committee Member Laurel Aparicio, M.P.A. “We were very intentional about giving everybody an equal voice and the opportunity to drive the conversation in terms of content and support provided to their peers.”
To date, RR-VHV has held more than 30 free webinars on topics ranging from parent-child interaction to reflective supervision in virtual environments. Participant questions and comments are folded into future webinars to promote two-way communication. Aparicio says she is not surprised by how home visitors have prioritized helping their peers along with the families they serve.
“It’s always been my experience that the home visiting field is incredibly generous,” Aparicio says. “Our strengths-based approach shines through in everything we do.”