Family Check-Up
Family Check-Up (FCU) promotes social and emotional adjustment in children by reducing coercive and negative parenting, increasing positive parenting, and reducing maternal depression. Targeted outcomes in early childhood include reductions in behavioral problems at home and school, reductions in emotional distress, and increases in self-regulation and school readiness.
What is the model’s approach to providing home visiting services?
The model is adaptive and tailored to each family. The frequency of home visits varies by families’ needs. Families typically receive a total of six to nine home visits. FCU requires families to initiate services when the child is between 2 and 8 years old.
FCU serves all families with young children and does not recommend or require any specific family characteristics for enrollment.
Who is implementing the model?
Home Visitors
The model recommends a master’s degree for home visitors. There are no requirements for home visitor caseload limits.
The model requires a master’s degree for supervisors.
Where is the model implemented?
FCU operated across 7 states in 2019.