Evidence-based models implemented with MIECHV funds in Tennessee included Healthy Families America, Nurse-Family Partnership, and Parents as Teachers. Statewide, MIECHV funded 75 full-time equivalent (FTE) home visitors and 23 FTE supervisors. FTE can include full-time and part-time staff.
Caregiver Age
25% ≤21 years
48% 22–29 years
26% 30–44 years
1% ≥45 years
Child Age
36% <1 year
40% 1-2 years
23% 3-6 years
Primary Language
88% English
9% Spanish
3% Other
Child Insurance Status
91% Public
6% Private
2% None
Caregiver Ethnicity
13% Hispanic or Latino
Household Income
68% Low income
Caregiver Race
1% American Indian/Alaska Native
<1% Asian
43% Black
* Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
50% White
6% Multiple
Caregiver Education
22% No high school diploma
39% High school diploma
32% Some college/training
6% Bachelor’s degree or higher