AVANCE Parent Child Education Program
AVANCE Parent Child Education Program (PCEP) teaches caregivers how to become their child’s first teacher and ensure that the home is the first classroom. PCEP’s main components are caregiver education, socialization through toy making, home visits, and community engagement and advocacy. Home visitors work with caregivers to enhance their parenting skills, build their knowledge of child development, reinforce parent-child interaction through play, and develop networks of support within their cohort and community.
What is the model’s approach to providing home visiting services?
Home visits take place monthly for 9 months as part of PCEP. Visits may occur more frequently based on families’ needs. Families may enroll in PCEP prenatally through the child’s fourth birthday.
PCEP serves predominately Latino families with children up to 4 years old.
Who is implementing the model?
Home Visitors
PCEP was implemented by 37 home visitors in 2022. The model requires home visitors to have a high school diploma or equivalent; a bachelor’s degree and fluency in families’ home language is recommended. PCEP also recommends that home visitors have experience in home visiting, early education, child health and/or development, working with parents of young children, and working in diverse, low-income communities.
PCEP was implemented by 13 supervisors in 2022. The model requires a high school diploma or equivalent; a bachelor’s or master’s degree is recommended. Supervisors must have experience in early education, home visiting, and child health and/or development. Experience supervising staff and working with children and families is recommended.
Where is the model implemented?
PCEP operated in 9 local agencies across 2 states in 2022.
Families Served Through Home Visiting in 2022
2% American Indian Alaska Native
0% Asian
1% Black
0% Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander
44% White
3% Multiple
49% Another race
99% Hispanic or Latino
1% Not Hispanic or Latino
Caregiver age
3% ≤21 years
37% 22-29 years
54% 30-44 years
6% ≥45 years
Caregiver education
21% No HS diploma
46% HS diploma or GED
31% Some college or training
1% Bachelor's degree or higher
Household income
90% Low-income status
10% Not low-income status
Primary language
14% English
86% Spanish
Child insurance status
81% Public
12% Private
8% None
Child age
18% <1 year
44% 1-2 years
38% 3-5 years