Geography is an important factor when delivering services to children and families in their homes. For home visitors, working in rural areas can translate to long drive times and limited community resources. Meeting with families who move frequently brings its own set of challenges.
Our third Innovation Roundup brief explores the use of technology to reduce barriers imposed by geography, along with issues related to transportation, scheduling, and family engagement preferences. We spoke with leaders of four initiatives embracing virtual tools to deliver home visiting services, connect parents to resources, and facilitate supervision and professional development.
Read the full brief to learn more about—
- Parents as Teachers @ USC Telehealth
- FOCUS-EC Virtual Home Visits for Military Families
- Parentivity Virtual Home Visiting System
- Parents as Teachers Virtual Communities of Practice
Suggested citation: National Home Visiting Resource Center. (2017, November). Technology in home visiting: Strengthening service delivery and professional development using virtual tools. Innovation Roundup Brief.