The Maternal, infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) funds more than home visiting services and infrastructure. It also builds the field’s knowledge base by supporting a diverse learning agenda encompassing research, evaluation, performance measurement, and continuous quality improvement.
For our fifth Innovation Roundup Brief, NHVRC staff interviewed leads for several MIECHV-funded projects to learn about their goals, key players, accomplishments, implications, and upcoming activities.
Read the full brief to learn more about—
- Multisite Implementation Evaluation of Tribal Home Visiting (MUSE)
- Home Visiting Career Trajectories
- Assessment and Mapping of Community Connections in Home Visiting (AMC-HV)
- Touchpoints for Addressing Substance Use in Home Visiting (Touchpoints)
- Family-Level Assessment and State of Home Visiting (FLASH-V)
Interested in learning about other MIECHV-funded projects? Our inaugural Innovation Roundup brief, published in September 2017, summarizes five other projects with a research, evaluation, and quality improvement focus.
Suggested citation: Sparr, M., & Ruben, J. (2018, May). Home visiting research and evaluation supported by the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program. National Home Visiting Resource Center Innovation Roundup Brief. Arlington, VA: James Bell Associates.