Paper cutouts depict the faces of a group of diverse people standing together

We at the National Home Visiting Resource Center stand in solidarity with those speaking out against our country’s pervasive history of racial violence, including the recent killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and Tony McDade by police and individuals. We also applaud our funders, the Heising-Simons and Robert Wood Johnson Foundations, for their recent statements of solidarity and ongoing support of initiatives to fight injustice and inequity.

We feel the NHVRC can best support this movement by connecting home visiting professionals with resources that help them understand the impact of racism on children and families and initiate difficult, yet critical conversations at work and home. Below is our list of such resources, which we will update in the weeks ahead. We encourage our readers to send their feedback and additions to

Read the statement by the Heising-Simons Foundation.

Read the statement by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.