The call for papers deadline has passed. Continue checking back for future topics of interest.
The NHVRC is launching our first call for papers! Do you have a home visiting-related publication, presentation, research brief, or other paper you’d like to share with the field? We want to learn more about your work and help you share your findings.
Our inaugural call for papers focuses on home visiting innovations, enhancements, and promising approaches. Across the nation, many interesting efforts are underway to develop, implement, and test new or emerging ways to deliver home visiting. Some focus on engaging special populations, such as homeless families or incarcerated parents. Others seek to strengthen services through technology or practitioner skill-building. Help us synthesize and promote the work you’re doing in these areas by sharing your publications.
All submissions will be considered for potential inclusion in the NHVRC Reference Catalog, our home for research conducted outside of the NHVRC, or one of our upcoming issue briefs.
General Information
Product types: We seek an array of publications, including journal articles, conference presentations, white papers, briefs, and evaluation reports.
Topics: We welcome a range of topics, from implementing and evaluating promising models to developing and testing the impact of enhancements or innovations.
Project size and scope: Projects may vary in size, from studies of small local programs to large multisite studies.
Submission Details
Please submit your products online by September 29, 2017.
Questions? Contact us at callforpapers@nhvrc.org.