Home Visiting by State

Use the map to learn about evidence-based home visiting services provided in 2017, as well as potential home visiting beneficiaries. Hover over a state or territory to see a brief data snapshot or click the orange button below to view the information in a table. You can also double click on a state for its full profile.

Potential Beneficiaries
High-Priority Families (%)
All Families Served (%)
High-Priority Families Served (%)
Home Visits Provided
Children Served
Families Served
Local Agencies
Models Implemented
High-Priority Families Served* (%)

Note: NA = not available
Data sources: Service numbers and participant demographics come from evidence-based model data for 2017 as detailed in each profile. Information on potential beneficiaries is derived from the 2012-2016 American Community Survey and includes pregnant women and families with children not yet in kindergarten.

*Percentages of high-priority families are estimates of potential beneficiaries who meet any one of five targeting criteria: (1) having an infant, (2) income below the federal poverty threshold, (3) pregnant women and mothers under 21, (4) single/never married mothers or pregnant women, or (5) parents without a high school education. See the 2018 Home Visiting Yearbook for additional information.

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State Potential Beneficiaries High-Priority Families (%) All Families Served (%) High-Priority Families Served (%) Home Visits Provided Children Served Families Served Local Agencies Models Implemented