Reducing Infant Mortality Through the Nurse Family Partnership Home Visitation Program in Montgomery County, Alabama
Kristyn Hill
Brief Type
- Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)
The mitigation of infant mortality (IM) has long been a public health effort within the United States. And although the rates have dramatically decreased with medical advancements, certain populations remain disproportionately affected. There are various factors that are thought to contribute to our IM rates and the disparities between women of varying demographics. Alabama has the highest rates of infant mortality in our county, and women of color within the state have even higher rates. Many programs with goals of decreasing the IM rate within the United States have been implemented over time. In particular, home visitation programs have been proven effective in improving education on various child and maternal health topics and increasing use of various resources to women in need. The Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) is a nurse-led home health visiting program that arranges regular home visits to low-income, first time mothers. Visitation continues well after birth, at least until the child reaches the 18-month mark. By creating a trusting relationship with mothers and providing education and various resources in multiple areas, NFP nurses have the opportunity to transform the lives and generate healthier outcomes for all participants. Our current proposal illustrates the implementation of NFP within Montgomery County, Alabama. By utilizing resources within the county’s largest Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), the program plans to provide services to low income pregnant women and their families. Overall, NFP hopes to decrease the number of women and children affected by infant mortality and factors connected to poor health outcomes. (author abstract)
Data Collection Methods
- Standardized assessment tools
- Surveys or questionnaires
For More Information
Hill, K. (2019). Reducing Infant Mortality Through the Nurse Family Partnership Home Visitation Program in Montgomery County, Alabama (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from https://uknowledge.uky.edu/cph_etds/244. (244)
Author Contact Information:
Kristyn Hill
- Participant, Family, and Program Outcomes
- Program Quality, Continuous Quality Improvement, and Fidelity