
Monitoring Quality Across Home Visiting Models: A Field Test of Michigan’s Home Visiting Quality Assurance System




Julia Heany, Jennifer Torres, Cynthia Zagar, and Tiffany Kostelec

Brief Type

Journal publication


  • Early Head Start Home-Based Option
  • Healthy Families America (HFA)
  • Other Models
  • Parents as Teachers (PAT)


Introduction: In order to achieve the positive outcomes with parents and children demonstrated by many home visiting models, home visiting services must be well implemented. The Michigan Home Visiting Initiative developed a tool and procedure for monitoring implementation quality across models referred to as Michigan’s Home Visiting Quality Assurance System (MHVQAS). This study field tested the MHVQAS. This article focuses on one of the study’s evaluation questions: Can the MHVQAS be applied across models? Methods: Eight local implementing agencies (LIAs) from four home visiting models (Healthy Families America, Early Head Start-Home Based, Parents as Teachers, Maternal Infant Health Program) and five reviewers participated in the study by completing site visits, tracking their time and costs, and completing surveys about the process. LIAs also submitted their most recent review by their model developer. The researchers conducted participant observation of the review process. Results: Ratings on the MHVQAS were not significantly different between models. There were some differences in interrater reliability and perceived reliability between models. There were no significant differences between models in perceived validity, satisfaction with the review process, or cost to participate. Observational data suggested that cross-model applicability could be improved by assisting sites in relating the requirements of the tool to the specifics of their model. Discussion: The MHVQAS shows promise as a tool and process to monitor implementation quality of home visiting services across models. The results of the study will be used to make improvements before the MHVQAS is used in practice. (author abstract)

Data Collection Methods

  • Participant observations
  • Site visits
  • Surveys or questionnaires



For More Information

Heany, J., Torres, J., Zagar, C., & Kostelec, T. (2018). Monitoring quality across home visiting models: A field test of Michigan’s Home Visiting Quality Assurance System. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 22(1), 13-21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-018-2538-6
Author Contact Information:
Julia Heany


  • Program Quality, Continuous Quality Improvement, and Fidelity