MIECHV Statutory Changes: Implications for Policy and Practice
Amanda Innes, Kyle Peplinski, Ann Stock
Brief Type
The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 reauthorized the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program for an additional five years and with it came a number of changes to the authorizing statute. In particular, the act added requirements for outcomes-based payment initiatives, regular assessments of improvement for MIECHV awardees, data exchange standards for home visiting programs, and updates to the statewide MIECHV needs assessment. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has engaged in ongoing stakeholder consultation to ensure these requirements support strong program implementation and help MIECHV awardees achieve longstanding goals, such as improved data interoperability, sustainable financing strategies, and further development of state and local early childhood systems. In the roundtable, HRSA staff responsible for developing these provisions will provide an overview of the statutory requirements, efforts to engage with key stakeholders and implement the requirements, and offer examples of how HRSA intends to leverage these requirements to support new and reinforce existing federal partnerships. Attendees will engage in facilitated discussions to provide examples, ideas and innovative strategies for how programs can leverage these opportunities to achieve their goals, as well as explore the implications of these changes beyond the MIECHV context. (author abstract)
Data Collection Methods
For More Information
Innes, A., Peplinski, K., & Stock, A. (2020, January 30). MIECHV statutory changes: Implications for policy and practice. National Home Visiting Summit. Presentation conducted at the conference of The Ounce, Washington, DC.
Link to Presentation
- Collaboration and Coordination