
Integrating Oral Health Promotion With Obesity Prevention for Home Visitors




Amy Requa and Kristin Haegele Hill

Brief Type




Poor oral health, inadequate nutrition, and chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity share a strong casual link due to the frequent consumption of convenience foods, such as highly processed, high-calorie, low-nutrient foods and beverages with added sugars. By weaving together oral health literacy and obesity prevention concepts using health messaging through story kits, lively music, and movement to increase levels of physical activity and reinforce healthy nutrition habits, we will present a unique approach to outreach oral health literacy education for underserved populations. This session offers new and innovative educational content with instructional supports, tools, and approaches to education community-based home visitors on the intersection of oral health with physical health and wellbeing. This session will educate trusted source health advocates to actively promote oral health using simple and engaging materials while giving them tools to convey dental home concepts and facilitate referrals to dental homes in their community. By focusing on self-care and wellness concepts we are providing strategies for role-modeling and reinforcing optimal oral health and physical health habits for children and families in local communities. (author abstract)

Data Collection Methods



For More Information

Requa, A., & Hill, K. H. (2020, January 29). Integrating oral health promotion with obesity prevention for home visitors. National Home Visiting Summit. Poster session at the conference of The Ounce, Washington, DC.
Link to Poster


  • Home Visiting Workforce Characteristics and Workforce Development
  • Program Enhancements, Innovations, and Promising Approaches