Integrating Home Visiting Into Systems of Care: Where is the Science?
Patti Manz
Brief Type
This poster will present a comprehensive synthesis of scholarship regarding the integration of home visiting to other health and developmental services for infants and toddlers published between 1987 and 2018. Among the 45 publications meeting inclusion criteria for this synthesis, findings indicate that the prevailing topics include procedural elements related to identifying and referring children for services in addition to administration of mandates such as inter-agency coordinating councils. Minimal attention was noted for inter-agency training and financial resources/barriers. A striking finding was the lack of attention to parents' roles and engagement in the integration of services for their infants and toddlers. In addition to content coding, articles were ranked according to a five-stage implementation framework. The majority of articles were labeled as recognizing the need for integrated services, while a small portion of the publications presented research findings pertaining to preliminary strategies and full implementation of integrated models. This literature synthesis will be presented to 1) stimulate research for developing evidence-based integration models of birth-to-three services, 2) increase empirical attention to parent engagement, and 3) illustrate the need to increase reciprocal communication and data sharing among researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. (author abstract)
Data Collection Methods
For More Information
Manz, P. (2020, January 29). Integrating home visiting into systems of care: Where is the science? National Home Visiting Summit. Poster session at the conference of The Ounce, Washington, DC.
Link to Poster
- Collaboration and Coordination