
Impact of HIPPY on Home Learning Environments of Latino Families




M. Angela Nievar, Arminta Jacobson, Qi Chen, Ursula Johnson, and Shannon Dier

Brief Type

Journal Publication


  • Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY)


This study investigated effects of Home Instruction of Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), a paraprofessional home visiting program, on parents and children. The program site served low-income, Spanish-speaking families. On average, mothers were 31 years old (SD = 4.78) and children were 3 or 4 years old (M= 3.92, SD = .92). Participants (n = 54) had more parenting self-efficacy and more enriched home environments than families on a waiting list (n = 54). In a regression on home environment, participation in the intervention was a stronger predictor than maternal education, depression, and stress. A third-grade follow-up of children in the program showed significantly higher math achievement when compared to low-income Latino third graders in the same school district. These findings appear to validate the HIPPY model, which suggests that parents gain confidence as their children’s teachers through their experiences in the program. HIPPY successfully addresses the need for culturally sensitive programming aimed at improving educational achievement among minority children. (author abstract)

Data Collection Methods

  • Parent-child observations
  • Program administrative record reviews
  • Standardized assessment tools
  • Surveys or questionnaires



For More Information

Nievar, M. A., Jacobson, A., Chen, Q., Johnson, U., & Dier, S. (2011). Impact of HIPPY on home learning environments of Latino families. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 26, 268–277.
doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2011.01.002
Author Contact Information:
M. Angela Nievar


  • Participant, Family, and Program Outcomes