
Home Visitor Professional Well-Being: What It Is and Why It Matters




Mariel Sparr, Colleen Morrison, Alex Joraanstad, Patrice Cachat, and Allison West

Brief Type




Home visiting increasingly looks to staff well-being to strengthen its workforce, yet similar to other fields, it has not clearly defined the concept. Viewed broadly, well-being comprises multiple domains—including physical, emotional, intellectual, social, financial, and spiritual. This breadth makes it challenging to define, assess, and increase well-being and to gauge the impact of related efforts. The Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce project identified gaps in knowledge about home visitor professional well-being and reflective supervision, and developed a conceptual model for each to support future research, policy, and practice. For its work on home visitor professional well-being, the project team focused on (1) workplace experiences unique to home visiting and (2) how they influence dimensions of well-being that impact home visitors’ practice with families.

Data Collection Methods



For More Information

Sparr, M., Morrison, C., Joraanstad, A., Cachat, P., & West, A. (2022). Home visitor professional well-being: What it is and why it matters (OPRE Report No. 2022-102). Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation; Administration for Children and Families; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/opre/report/home-visitor-professional-well-being-what-it-why-it-matters


  • Home Visiting Workforce Characteristics and Workforce Development