Home Visiting Start-Up: Lessons Learned From Program Replication in New Mexico
M. Rebecca Kilburn and Jill S. Cannon
Brief Type
Journal Publication
- Other Models
Growth in federal, state, and private funding is fueling the initiation of home visiting programs around the country. As communities expand home visiting programs, they need information to help them successfully start up new sites. This paper documents lessons learned about home visiting installation and initial implementation from the replication of the First Born Program in six counties in New Mexico. Specifically, we examine how well sites met staffing, family referral and enrollment, program model fidelity, and financing goals in the first year of providing services. Data come from semi-structured interviews with program staff and document review. The findings are likely to be valuable to a wide spectrum of communities starting or expanding home visiting services, as well as to public and private funders of programs. (author abstract)
Data Collection Methods
- Interviews
- Program administrative record reviews
For More Information
Kilburn, M. R., & Cannon, J. S. (2015). Home visiting start-up: Lessons learned from program replication in New Mexico. Journal of Primary Prevention, 36, 275–279.
doi: 10.1007/s10935-015-0392-5
Author Contact Information:
M. Rebecca Kilburn
- Program Quality, Continuous Quality Improvement, and Fidelity