
Engaging Grantees to Develop Measures for Tribal Home Visiting Through the MUSE Study




Tess Abrahamson-Richards, Kate Lyon, Nancy Rumbaugh Whitesell, and Aleta Meyer

Brief Type




The Multi-site Implementation Evaluation of Tribal Home Visiting (MUSE) went through an intensive process engaging Tribal MIECHV grantees, MIECHV funders, and implementation research experts to design a rigorous study to answer implementation questions prioritized by these stakeholders. In this process, key areas of inquiry were identified where existing measures were inadequate for this population and thus, new measures were needed. New measures were created through processes of extensive stakeholder engagement and iterative feedback. The first of these measures was a screener for economic strain – the Family Resources Check-In (FRC). The FRC built upon existing economic strain screeners, adapting and adding items to adequately capture strain as reflected in the particular contexts of many tribal communities. Two additional measures – one for home visitors and one for caregivers receiving home visiting services – were designed to capture what takes place within home visits. The use of observational measures was not acceptable or feasible in many of the communities participating in MUSE, but there was still a strong desire on the part of grantees to understand what actually happens during visits, so Rapid Reflects (RRs) were created to ask home visitors and caregivers to reflect briefly and immediately after visits on what just occurred. The processes used to create the FRC and the RRs and the measures themselves will be shared, along with preliminary plans for how data from these measures will be analyzed. (author abstract)


Data Collection Methods

  • Interviews
  • Surveys or questionnaires



For More Information

Abrahamson-Richards, T., Lyon, K., Whitesell, N. R., & Meyer, A. (2020, January 29). Engaging grantees to develop measures for tribal home visiting through the MUSE Study. National Home Visiting Summit. Poster session at the conference of The Ounce, Washington, DC.
Link to Poster


  • Collaboration and Coordination
  • Program Quality, Continuous Quality Improvement, and Fidelity