
Effecting Change in High Risk Families Through Home Visiting. An Analysis of Clients’ Perceived Value of the Process Based on Professional Attire Worn by Home Visitor; White Coat vs. Business Casual




Kimberly S. Johnson

Brief Type




This paper analyzes the perceptions of pregnant women and families identified as high-risk who receive evidence-based home visiting services through a state funded program. The focus is on the value that participants placed on the educational information offered by the home visitor at the end of the initial home visit. The experimental factor is the assumed level of education or profession the participant places on the home visitor based on the attire of the home visitor wearing a white coat or business casual clothing. Utilizing a post-test only control group experimental design, a standard survey measuring the value the participant placed on the education received during the initial home visit is the proposed outcome measure. All surveys were administered by the same various degreed, non-medical professionals. The findings of this study suggest no significant difference in the value placed on the home visit information, the utilization of the information provided or the home visitors, themselves, based on 190 completed participant surveys. The interviews with the home visitors involved in the study revealed a discussion around their perception of attire and its impact on families. They noted very few instances of clients acknowledging their attire and expressed they basically felt no different when wearing the coat. The results of this study may be utilized to gain an increased understanding of the professional qualifications that might be most valued by families when conducting home visiting and effecting positive change in the family dynamics. (author abstract)

Data Collection Methods

  • Interviews
  • Surveys or questionnaires



For More Information

Johnson, K. S. (2019). Effecting change in high risk families through home visiting. An analysis of clients’ perceived value of the process based on professional attire worn by home visitor; White coat vs. business casual. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from : https://etd.ohiolink.edu/!etd.send_file?accession=ysu1558882770959141&disposition=inline. 


  • Home Visiting Workforce Characteristics and Workforce Development