
A Trauma‑Informed, Family‑Centered, Virtual Home Visiting Program for Young Children: One‑Year Outcomes




Catherine Mogil, Nastassia Hajal, Hilary Aralis, Blair Paley, Norweeta G. Milburn, Wendy Barrera, Cara Kiff, William Beardslee, and Patricia Lester

Brief Type

Journal Publication


  • Other Models


Military-connected families face many challenges associated with military life transitions, including deployment separations. We report on a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of Families OverComing Under Stress-Early Childhood (FOCUS-EC) delivered through an in-home, virtual telehealth platform. FOCUS-EC is a trauma-informed, family-centered preventive intervention designed to promote family resilience and well-being. Military-connected families with 3- to 6-year-old children (194 mothers; 155 fathers; 199 children) were randomized to FOCUS-EC or an online education condition. Parent psychological health symptoms, child behavior, parenting, and parent–child relationships were examined by parent-report and observed interaction tasks for up to 12 months. Longitudinal regression models indicated that FOCUS-EC families demonstrated significantly greater improvements than online education families in parent-reported and observational measures of child behavior, parenting practices, and parent–child interaction, as well as greater reductions in parent posttraumatic stress symptoms. Findings provide support for the benefit of a virtually-delivered preventive intervention for military-connected families. (author abstract)

Data Collection Methods

  • Parent-child observations
  • Standardized assessment tools
  • Surveys or questionnaires



For More Information

Mogil, C., Hajal, N., Aralis, H., Paley, B., Milburn, N. G., Barrera, W., Kiff, C., Beardslee, W., & Lester, P. (2021). A trauma-informed, family-centered, virtual home visiting program for young children: One-year outcomes. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-021-01181-y
Author Contact Information:
Catherine Mogil


  • Participant, Family, and Program Outcomes
  • Program Enhancements, Innovations, and Promising Approaches