This brief builds on an earlier summary of the Pew Home Visiting Data for Performance Initiative by highlighting work on two outcome areas—parental capacity and child development. The Pew Charitable Trusts led the initiative, part of its home visiting campaign, in collaboration with noted home visiting researchers such as—
- Deborah Daro, Ph.D., Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
- Sacha Klein, Ph.D., School of Social Work at Michigan State University
- Tiffany Burkhardt, Ph.D., Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
- Kay Johnson, M.Ed., Johnson Group Consulting
Authored by Drs. Daro, Klein, and Burkhardt, Home Visiting’s Impact on Parental Capacity and Child Development: Measurement Options and Recommendations shares findings resulting from Pew’s support. More information, including tables rating specific measures of parental capacity and child development, can be found in the project’s June 2017 final report published on the Chapin Hall website.
Suggested citation: Daro, D., Klein, S., & Burkhardt, T. (2019, May). Home visiting’s impact on parental capacity and child development: Measurement options and recommendations. National Home Visiting Resource Center Data in Action Brief. Arlington, VA: James Bell Associates.