More than 600,000 children under age 6 have a parent in the military, according to estimates from the U.S. Department of Defense. Many military families face stressors beyond the day-to-day parenting challenges encountered by their civilian counterparts. Military families are more likely to move often, for example, and many go through parental deployment and reintegration.*
Our newest Innovation Roundup Brief explores four efforts to provide home visiting services to military families:
- New Parent Support Program
- Strong Families Strong Forces
- Families OverComing Under Stress for Early Childhood
- Pilot program authorized by the Military Family Prevention, Response, and Other Training to End Military Family Abuse and Connect Communities Today Act
Read the full brief to learn about each effort’s goals/purpose, key stakeholders, notable details, accomplishments, implications, and upcoming activities. We also share information on military-informed care and the deployment cycle.
Suggested citation: Adelstein, S., Longo, F., & Shakesprere, J. (2019, March). Home visiting for military families: An overview of innovative programs. National Home Visiting Resource Center Innovation Roundup Brief. Arlington, VA: James Bell Associates and Urban Institute.
*See the full brief for references.