This Data in Action Brief maps evidence-based home visiting provided by tribal-led organizations in light of recent federal efforts to expand services to more American Indian Alaska Native (AIAN) families. In 2022, Congress expanded the federal Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (Tribal MIECHV) Program to account for 6 percent of MIECHV funds, rather than the previous 3 percent set aside.* The Administration for Children and Families has since announced funding opportunities for tribal entities with and without experience implementing evidence-based home visiting, due May 31 and May 1, respectively.
Tribal nation leaders, urban Native leaders, and community members have long advocated for resources to offset the negative impacts of genocide, colonization, historical trauma, systemic racism, and broken treaties by the U.S. government.* MIECHV identifies families in tribes and urban Native communities as a priority population, in part to recognize these systemic harms and to honor the cultural heritage and sovereignty of Native nations. In this brief, we consider the degree to which tribal communities have been able to access—and chosen to implement—evidence-based home visiting services. Questions include:
- What percentage of AIAN families were served by evidence-based home visiting provided by tribal-led organizations?
- Where did tribal-led organizations provide evidence-based home visiting services?
- How did services vary by state?
We used 2021 data collected from seven evidence-based home visiting models for the 2022 Home Visiting Yearbook. We also looked at opportunities to expand programs based on measures of population reach. See the brief’s note on methodology, or visit the methodology section of the 2022 Home Visiting Yearbook.
*Access the full brief for citations.
Suggested citation: Meisch, A. D., Joraanstad, A., Willenborg, P., Lauderback, E., & Atukpawu-Tipton, G. (2023). Mapping evidence-based home visiting provided by tribal-led organizations. National Home Visiting Resource Center Data in Action Brief. James Bell Associates and Urban Institute. https://nhvrc.org/product/mapping-home-visiting-tribal-led-organizations
Acknowledgments: Thank you to Moushumi Beltangady and Carrie Peake of the Administration for Children and Families for reviewing the brief’s content. Thank you to Kate Lyon, Tess Abrahamson-Richards, and Joelle Ruben for shaping and editing the brief. Kristine Neurauter provided formatting support.