Home visiting has persisted during the COVID-19 pandemic, with many programs turning to virtual meetings and other creative solutions to keep providing services. Challenges to family engagement persist, however, heightened by competing demands for parents’ and caregivers’ time and energy.
This Data in Action Brief examines chat messages from a selected group of webinars hosted by the Rapid Response-Virtual Home Visiting collaborative (RR-VHV) to explore the following questions:
- What are emerging challenges and solutions to recruiting and enrolling families in home visiting?
- What are emerging challenges and solutions to families participating in home visiting?
- What are emerging challenges and solutions to families maintaining skills gained through home visiting?
Read the full brief to learn themes gleaned from participants’ comments and their implications for research and practice.
Suggested citation: Morrison, C., & Meisch, A. D. (2021, January). Engaging families in home visiting: Perspectives from the field. National Home Visiting Resource Center Data in Action Brief. James Bell Associates.