Performance indicators help home visiting programs track services and activities, identify areas for improvement, and determine whether they are meeting goals. Tracked indicators can vary across—and even within—programs based on factors such as models and funding sources. Such differences can add to staff’s data collection work and make it more difficult to conduct analyses across programs and locations.
Our first Innovation Roundup Brief of 2019 explores three efforts to develop common home visiting performance indicators:
- Pew Home Visiting Data for Performance Initiative
- Redesign of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program Performance Measurement System
- Home Visiting Accountability Acts (Maryland and New Mexico)
Read the full brief to learn about each effort’s goals/purpose, key stakeholders, notable details, and implications. There also links to additional information.
Suggested citation: Atukpawu-Tipton, G., & Sparr, M. (2019, January). Identifying common performance indicators to demonstrate home visiting’s collective benefits. National Home Visiting Resource Center Innovation Roundup Brief. Arlington, VA: James Bell Associates.
Special thanks to Deb Daro and Sacha Klein for their expert feedback and guidance on this brief.