Here at the NHVRC, we enjoy engaging with members of the home visiting field so we can amplify their work. Often, this interaction takes place online through social media, email, and our website. We jump at the chance to meet home visiting stakeholders in person, like we did at the Parents As Teachers International Conference in late November and early December. I enjoyed meeting with parent educators, home visitors, agency staff, and others in Philadelphia. It was a great way to hear firsthand how home visiting is changing lives!
Another opportunity is fast approaching to meet in person. The Seventh National Summit on Quality in Home Visiting Programs is a wonderful event for engaging with others in the home visiting field, learning about new research, and networking with colleagues. We are pleased to be presenting in two different sessions at the 2018 Summit in Washington, DC:
- The Home Visiting Yearbook: Bringing Data to Life, Informing the Field workshop: Have you been wondering when you can see our latest national Yearbook data? Attendees at our February 2 workshop will get a hot-off-the-presses look at our Data Supplement to the 2017 Home Visiting Yearbook set for release in late January. That publication will include 2016 data collected from evidence-based models and states to help us depict the home visiting landscape.
- State data poster session: We’ll also be participating in the poster presentation and reception on January 31. Our presentation will highlight updated NHVRC State Profile data and new ways of discovering how home visiting is working across states. Please stop by to explore our latest information and ask questions!
While we’re excited to share information about the NHVRC and our work at next year’s event, we are most looking forward to engaging with you face-to-face. Have a story to share? We can’t wait to hear it and might even feature it on our website. Have questions about our materials? We are here to help. Want to share ideas for future products? We’re all ears.
Technology helps us communicate with people all over the country and even the world. Sometimes, however, there is nothing better than being in the same room—or in this case, conference hotel!
[Register for the 2018 Summit at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, DC.]