
Lemonade for Life–A Pilot Study on a Hope-Infused, Trauma-Informed Approach to Help Families Understand Their Past and Focus on The Future




Jacqueline M. Counts, Rebecca J. Gillam, Shabrie Perico, and Keil L. Eggers

Brief Type

Journal Publication


  • Other Models


The Adverse Childhood Experiences' (ACEs) research provided groundbreaking evidence that events that occur early in life can impede core life capabilities and lead to significant negative social, behavioral, and physical outcomes. While the research is widely known, the translation and application for use with families has been lacking. In response to this gap, Lemonade for Life was developed to help professionals who work directly with families understand how to use the ACEs research as a tool to build hope and resilience. A developmental evaluation was conducted to learn about how Lemonade for Life participants integrate ACEs in their work with families, as well as whether and how the Lemonade for Life training and materials influenced their work. Focus group and survey data were collected from 24 home visitors and parent educators and parent educators, who participated in a Lemonade for Life training. Findings indicate that Lemonade for Life may be a useful tool for translating ACEs research into practice with families. Participants perceived that following the integration of what they learned through Lemonade for Life into their work, the families they served were more engaged in services and better able to understand their past experiences and current life circumstances. Results suggest a continued need to assess and focus on the hope and mindset of professionals who work directly with families to optimize opportunities for change. (author abstract)

Data Collection Methods

  • Focus groups
  • Surveys or questionnaires



For More Information

Counts, J. M., Gillam, R. J., Perico, S., & Eggers, K. L. (2017). Lemonade for Life--A pilot study on a hope-infused, trauma-informed approach to help families understand their past and focus on the future. Children and Youth Services Review, 79, 228-234.
doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.05.036
Author contact information:
Jacqueline Counts


  • Participant, Family, and Program Outcomes
  • Program Enhancements, Innovations, and Promising Approaches
  • Participant Recruitment, Retention, Engagement, and Dosage